Home Base

Another emerging media topic which many could find easily relatable is the need for efficient corporate websites. I have stressed the importance of effective social media practices and strategies throughout these posts, but even a strong social media presence could hurt a brand if their home site is not up to par.

Obviously social media is used by brands to increase engagement, create awareness and promote products. However, social media interactions should ultimately serve as a medium to drive traffic to a respective brand’s website.

There are various tips to keep in mind when evaluating the strength of a corporate website. Nonetheless, two primary factors that should be heavily considered include the attractiveness of the website design and the ease of navigation. Additionally, as new medias continue to emerge developers should ensure that corporate websites are mobile friendly. Smart phones and other mobile devices have become more relevant than ever, and many consumers will access such websites from their phones. If the website is not aesthetically pleasing or difficult to maneuver the company could easily lose potential customers.

From the Motorola Razr to the iPhone 19…

When I got my first cell phone ten years ago I chose a standard Motorola flip phone because they were all the craze, and I wanted a phone that would make me appear “tech savvy” to others. Looking back it almost seems as if we were living in a different world. No internet access at the touch of your fingers, no iMessage, no Siri…. Just phones. Phones that allowed users to make phone calls, send text messages and take photos (if you were lucky).

The introduction of smart phones has changed the ways consumers live their day-to-day lives. As you walk through shopping malls, restaurants, crowds at sporting events and even across college campuses, I can guarantee that you would be able to spot a smart phone. In fact, I would be willing to guess the majority of the individuals observed in passing would be using some sort of smart device.

I myself am guilty of this also, but society as a whole has grown so dependent on such devices. As new technologies are continuously introduced, consumers strive to keep up with such trends. It is puzzling to picture consumers 10 years from now, and the mobile technology that will be accessible for everyday usage.

Keeping up with the latest trends and gadgets is somewhat important to me, given my educational background and career outlook. However, that’s not to say I don’t have concerns in correlation with emerging mobile opportunities. Consumers are already growing apprehensive of their mobile privacy, and I would be willing to predict these concerns will only be heightened as technologies continue evolving.

I apologize for the flashbacks to my teenage self with a Motorola Razr, but 10 years ago my only mobile privacy concern was my mom seeing my text messages before they were deleted when my inbox was full. This seems absolutely ridiculous now when there are phones that will only unlock from user finger prints, or complicated passcodes.

When we look 10 years forward will the technologies we use today seem like they were invented in the stone age? Will our current privacy concerns seem irrelevant? Will there be strict mobile regulations? I’m interested to see how these questions are addressed as we plunge deeper into the mobile world… Thoughts?

That’s a Wrap

As the final semester of my first year as a graduate student comes to an end, I can’t help but look back and reflect on what I’ve learned thus far. I have been challenged to the point where I didn’t think I would pass any of my classes, but in hind site I realize how important this process was.

As I expressed before, I would not consider myself to be the most “tech savvy” person around. Learning to use word press has been a major challenge for me. However, this is a skill that I am confident I will use for years to come in my professional field.

That being said, I have provided some insight as to why blogging is an important component within the marketing mix as new medias continue to emerge.

  1. Blogging will enables brands or businesses to drive more traffic to their respective websites.
  2. Increase your SEO and SERP.
  3. Reposition your brand as the industry leader.
  4. Develop stronger customer relationships.

For further information visit this link.

“The Customer is Always Right”

As the conclusion of the semester is drawing nearer, I can say that my knowledge in relation to emerging medias has drastically expanded. After conducting a substantial amount of research, there are key trends that I was able to pick up on. Of such trends, one that I have noticed frequently across various platforms is the utilization of social media platforms to address customer service related issues.

Brands including Ulta, Coca-Cola, Nike, XBox, Walmart, etc. have all effectively utilized their social media platforms to engage and address any concerns or questions of consumers. Implementing social media strategies to increase engagement is crucial as emerging medias continue to evolve. Consumers value two-way communication with brands, and doing so through social media makes such initiatives almost effortless.

However, when addressing customer service issues brands must respond to inquiries in a timely manner. When consumers pay for products they may grow irritated if the product or service does not live up to standards. Increasing revenues are a sure way to build brand strength, but if customers are unhappy and issues aren’t addressed then sales will certainly drop. As stated earlier, using social media to communicate with consumers in regards to customer service issues can be largely effective. Nonetheless, if such methods aren’t done so correctly then brands may lose positive customer perceptions.


Dominating Platforms

Social media trends have come and gone within recent years. Despite such trends, there are platforms continuing to dominate. When it comes to marketing brands typically have an idea of the best channels to use to reach the intended audiences. Such channels may include Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, etc. Of these channels, Instagram and Snapchat are two that have been used heavily within recent years. However, the audience should be thoroughly evaluated when deciphering which platforms to utilize for expanding brand messaging.

Even though such platforms have gained popularity, there may be others to surface that may secure the top spots of the traditional platforms being used by marketers. According to SocialMediaweek.org, WhatsApp, Viber and LINE are catching up to speed, and may be heavily used within the near future to post messaging and content. Other platforms including Giphy, Anchor, PicsArt, Dubsmash and Product Hunt could potentially take over as well. For more information on such visit: 8 Sessions Exploring The Biggest Social Media Platforms And Emerging Trends

Up and Coming Social Media Trends

It is no secret that social media activity has taken off, and is used for both personal and business uses. As companies continue to market through social media platforms, consumers should watch for upcoming trends within the next year including:

  1. “In the moment” updates will dominate through platforms including Snapchat and Periscope.
  2. “Buy buttons” will take over, enabling consumers to purchase products directly from platforms such as Facebook or Pinterest.
  3. Privacy concerns will reach all time highs.
  4. New publication methods will surface.
  5. Fewer small platforms will emerge in comparison to years past. The Top 7 Social Media Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2016
  6. In-app functionality will diversify and spread.
  7. Competition for organic visibility will increase.

Marketing through social media is effective for brands because it increases messaging exposure and serves as alternative avenues to practice two-way communication methods with consumers. Social media engagement opportunities have miraculously evolved within the past decade, and it is crucial for brands to adapt with the emerging technologies.

For further details and other predictions by Jayson DeMers visit.

The Top 7 Social Media Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2016

The Latest and Greatest

Of all of the medias emerging in the current market, there is one particular platform that has caught the attention of marketing and communications professionals. The Periscope app was brought to my attention over six months ago, and ever since I have been intrigued by the outreach possibilities through the use of this app. For those of you who are not familiar with Periscope, the app was created to enable users to see the world through another person’s point of view.


App creators were motivated by creating “the closest thing to teleportation.” Through the use of this emerging platform users are able to discover events and places through the live video app. Brands and organizations alike are quickly catching on to this trend. In fact, my initial exposure to this app was when Ellen Degeneres launched a Periscope account on her show.


We have seen social media trends come in go throughout the past decade, however I believe Periscope is here to stay. The app is used to gain exposure, and if used correctly Periscope can effectively strengthen a brand. Interactive customer support, product demonstrations, Q&A sessions and research are all made possible through the use of the app.

25 Brand-Building Ways to Use Periscope – Twitter’s New Live-Streaming Video App

Companies are constantly searching for efficient methods of engaging with consumers, and emerging medias including Periscope are breaking ground every day in such initiatives. Stay tuned!



Hi all,

I think it’s safe to say the sole source of any sort of readership will come from my IMC 619 classmates. I’m very new to blogging, so please keep this in mind while I jump head first into the deep end.

I suppose it would be appropriate to begin with a quick introduction, in the event that viewers other than my classmates or close friends come across this page. My name is Hannah, I’m  a 20 “something” year-old living in a college town. I’m currently pursuing a master’s degree from the West Virginia University Reed College of Media. As if the responsibilities of a full-time graduate student weren’t enough to fill my schedule, I also work two jobs. One involves teaching college students the importance of developing healthy lifestyles through social marketing campaigns. The other involves encouraging guests to have a few drinks at happy hour to unwind after a long day of work. Yes, I know how this sounds… Completely contradictory, right? However, I am constantly reminding myself that I am still a college student working my way through school. Ambitious or crazy, the jury is still out.

As I mentioned before, I’m enrolled in IMC 619 which focuses on emerging medias within the market. Myself and fellow classmates are required to write a discussion post each week in order to increase engagement and learning through our online based course. We are also required to submit assignments pertaining to weekly lessons. The majority of the content from my blogging experience will include analyzations of weekly topics, and links to my classmates blogs will be included as well. Here goes nothing…